Sunday, February 22, 2009

WA-5 Draft 2

This is the best time of my life. I think. I just married a wonderful man, who will be able to provide for me the rest of my life. Soon we will have children, and there will be plenty for me to do around the house. So why do I feel so…anxious I guess is the right word? I feel like something bad is about to happen, and I can’t stop it. Well, I guess all I can do is keep dancing. He really is handsome that Giuseppe Carbanara. I am definitely a lucky girl.
It’s time to cut the cake! Wow, that’s a chunk. I can’t eat all that papa! Oh alright, it is my wedding after all. Well, I’m glad everyone is having a good time. They all look so cheerful. Laughing and talking and carrying on. That’s a great feeling to have on your wedding day. My papa hired a real Italian string quartet to play. They are very nice, and know lots of songs!
I see a man dressed in a tuxedo coming in from the gate. I don’t believe I’ve every seen him before. He seems slightly awkward. OH MY! He just reached down his pants! Well I never…I’ll just go back to dancing. I hope the guards outside aren’t letting just anybody in! Now he is looking in the direction of my father dancing on the other side of the floor. That’s a weird look. Somewhere between disgust and being sick. Well, as long as he doesn’t disrupt the party, he is my friend. WAIT…what is that thing glinting in his belt?
I leaned into Giuseppe and told him I had to attend to some business, and then I left him on the dance floor after the song ended. I took a secret staircase up to my father’s study. He was sitting in his tall black armchair behind his desk when I opened the door, but as soon as he saw me, he stood up and opened his arms.
“Carlina, my flower,” he said slowly, “why have you come to my private room on your wedding day? You should be outside dancing and enjoying the sun and laughter.”
“Father,” I replied, “I saw a man on the lawn, alone. His face was twisted in emotion, and his belt glinted in the sun for a second. I think he plans to kill you!”
“Do not worry my child,” he said in a convincing tone.
Just at that second, I soft clicking sound came from behind the door.
“Quick, get to one side of the door!”
I slid an umbrella out of its stand, and held it like a baseball bat, the heavy handle swinging slowly above my head. The door slowly opened, and a gun poked through. Then a shoulder, and finally a head. I struck swiftly and accurately. He never saw anything. A trickle of blood ran down his forehead and into his eyebrow. Papa turned around. He had been facing towards the window, watching the day’s proceedings. He nodded, and I pulled the gun out of the mysterious man’s warm hand. With caution I turned the weapon on its owner, and slowly pulled the trigger. The explosion knocked me down, but my father helped me back up.
“What’s done is done, my flower.” With that, he took my arm and we walked out of that dusty place, down the stairs, and back out into the sunshine of the happiest day of my life.

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