Monday, September 8, 2008

this isn't my paper...i just wann write something free writes?

Alright, so he's not perfect, but he is my brother and I love him. I think. All the stuff he does, no matter what, I always get blamed for. God, my parents are so niave. Once; just once I would like to see him take responsibility for what he does.

groundedtilldeath77(10:07 PM): dude...wats up?
stillrabbit12(10:08 PM): nuthin...aren't u grounded?
groundedtilldeath77(10:08 PM): yup, brett smashed some glasses. guess who got grounded?!! ...parents went fo a walk. i got like, 5 min.
stillrabbit12(10:09 PM): sucks man. right u kno that girl in our chem. class right?
groundedtilldeath77(10:09 PM): yea...uhh, blond right?
stillrabbit12(10:10 PM): yup...well, she just asked to meet me at the mall friday night
groundedtilldeath77(10:10 PM): dude...nice. wat r u gonna do?
stillrabbit12(10:11 PM): idk haha dinner prob gonna talk.
groundedtilldeath77(10:13 PM): nice dude...i g2g, rents commin.

I mean...what kind of life is this. I go to school. I do my homework. I occasionally go on the computer, when I'm not grounded; sometimes when I am. I have no social life. I don't know what love is, I probably never will. I have one friend. Chris. He's nice, and popular, but he doesn't talk to me in school. I'm not like him. He likes girls, and football, and all the regular stuff. He's cool. The only time he talks to me, is on the computer. Also, his rabbit died 6 months ago.

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